This module demonstrates the general life cycle of domestic quails from a fertile egg, through incubation process to fertile chick until when an adult quail is attained. It also demonstrates the significance of understanding the lifecycle of quails and discusses the attributes of each stage. The module also reviews the age of sexual maturity and the commercial production cycles for layers and broiler quails and how they can be managed to attain profitability.
Specific learning outcome
Upon successful completion, the learners/trainees should have a clear understanding of the life cycle of quails, and its significance in profitable quail production and comprehend on the production cycles of the layers and broilers as the major basics for quail farming.
Learning objective
This module emphasizes the understanding of how long it takes an egg to grow into a mature adult quail and the stages that are entailed during the growth process.
Specific learning objectives:
By the end of this module, the trainees/learners should be able to;
- Understand the different stages of a quail bird.
- Know the commercial layer quail production cycle
- Understand the commercial broiler quail production cycle
- Know the age at which quails gain sexual maturity